Saturday, 30 June 2012

Revolution or Evolution

The writing is on the wall...
we are in a state of crisis!


Banks have become corrupt and greedy, feeding off the masses and lining their own pockets to the detriment, even of shareholders.  They have become unaccountable.

Law and Order

The reduction of our protectors (the Armed Forces) has made us venerable from terror attacks both at home and abroad.  While, law enforcement (the Police) have been cut and crime rises at every government welfare cut.

A Bank too Far

Stephen Hester, "bankers are
Master of the Universe..."

Stephen Hester, chief executive of the Royal Bank of Scotland, confirmed that RBS is one of the banks currently being investigated over allegations of manipulating Libor interest rates (which Barclays has already been fined for).

Mr Hester greed that bankers "thought they were masters of the universe".

Sir Mervyn King, the Bank of England Governor, called for a

"real change in culture".

Friday, 29 June 2012

Neets in the Cold

Cameron wants all under 25s
to go back home!


Housing Benefit

In a new drive of welfare reforms, PM, David Cameron, launched an attack on under 25s this week; threatening to strip them of housing benefit payments. A possible 380 thousand people under 25 will be effected by these cuts, forcing them to return back to their parents to live.
Picture: Getty

The Diamond Saga

For anyone who's not from this planet, Barclays bank chief is in hot water.

Bob Diamond is to be grilled in the Commons over rate rigging. 

The scandal for the Barclays boss is putting him in more hot water today. After admitting in a letter to the Commons Treasury Select Committee's chairman, Tory MP Andrew Tyrie, that the banks reputation would not easily be restored; even after apologising, disciplining offenders, forgoing bonuses and paying fines.

Over the coming weeks it is his chance to provide answers.

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