The Politics of Tarot
Usually in this post I look at something that's currently been in the news (last week
G4S was in the spotlight), this week we'll peer at the
Olympics and try to see if we'll keep any
Gold.The problem about predictions is: If they come true nobody notices. But if they don't, then everyone remembers.
Here's hoping for a gold medal for predicting gold :D

The first (High Priestess) and second (Stars) cards have very positive vibes about them.

The Lady Pope (High Priestess), as it's sometimes called, bring forth the creativity from past endeavours and smiles upon our present from her position in events gone by. She is benevolent and shows good will. Her presence shines like a beacon from the darkness. She reminded us of the benevolence from winning the staging of 2012's Olympics in Britain. She tells of struggles surmounted and problems smoothed.
However, the Magician in the Priestess' generous hand warns of trickery and underhand dealings. The trickster has had his fingers in the past, and fooled around with something he shouldn't (I'm in mind of the G4S fiasco last week and the problems of security). This will not harm the Games, it will cause ripples that will be felt in the future (where he stands, grinning, waiting his turn).
The Stars affect the past too, they point out that anything is possible -and has proved to be. The hurdles we have surmounted to hold the Games in Britain in 2012 have not always been smooth sailing, the waters have at times been uncertain and threatening. But we have navigated the storms and achieved what seemed at first nearly-impossible.

The Stars in the position of 'present' is a friendly card. If you stare into the night sky, you feel the sky smiling back at you with ancient wonder and gifts of insight. (These gift are not handed out on a plate, they are to be earned through farsightedness.)
If our question concerned Olympic Gold, then the 'present' offers many possibilities -without promising them fully. The hard work that each UK athlete has put in in the past (High Priestess) will push them closer to the Gold. However, the Gold is not assured (Magician) unless underhandedness has taken place.
Expect an athlete being banned for using an illegal substance (trickery) to reach his or her top-three position. (If the cards are right at least one UK athlete will be accused -but that doesn't mean that they have done anything wrong -that is beyond the horizon of this hand.)

So to the real prediction.
There could be as many as '17' Gold (seventeen being the number of the Stars card) ... or as few as '1' (one being the number of the Magician card) ... but '2' seems more likely (two being the number of the High Priestess card). They has their roots in the past, and have earned their Gold from achieving.
There may be others; but if there are, controversy will tarnish their bright deeds.
- Remember -
This is only a prediction (for the sake of predicting) and that does not mean that I'll be right.
Like a person, the Olympics has a mind of her own, she will shine and out-do anyone who's foolish enough to expect from her a certainty. There are no certainties. This is simply for the fun of it, and must not be taken too seriously.
Enough of the disclaimer!
I believe in my predictions, but they don't always come to fruition as I expect - such is the nature of predicting any result in advance.
Predicting is so much easier in hindsight. lol.
Enjoy this post, and follow the cards whenever you can.
Hope to see you back here next Tuesday (31/07/2012) for another hand of the Politics of Tarot...
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