Thursday, 30 August 2012

lib dems tax unearned wealth


Wealth Tax Nick Clegg was revising an 'old Liberal' idea when he put forth Liberal Demercrat's intentions to tax the wealthy: by rewarding 'hard work' but levying unearend wealth.

This bombshell of the Deputy PM's temporary wealth tax has shook Westminster; upsetting both Tories and Labour MPs into from their summer hiatus. Both parties have poured critisism on Mr Glegg's plans for a "time limited contribution" from society's rich.

Sunday, 26 August 2012

Russian Feminists Flee Putin's Wrath

A Further Update in the Pussy Riot case
It has now been reported by Reuters that two further members of the Punk Feminist Band have fled from Russia after the jailing of three of their members.

Twitter August 26, 2012 at 03:48PM

PR Update:
Putin's Wrath

Back in August, Valimir Putin's government jailed three of the members of Pussy Riot who performed a Punk prayer back February of this year (2012).

Pussy Riot -the punk band that danced in a Russian cathedral to protest the treatment by Putin- have been sentenced to two years for inciting violence and racial hatred. (For details of the original offence and the video of the protest go here.)
    - CyberPunk65 Pussy Riot Update

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Age of Concern

Age of

This morning my daughter of almost sixteen dropped a bomb on me. She said she’d ‘Googled it’ and they were thinking of dropping the age of having sex to 14.

I thought I must be hearing things. So I ‘Googled it’ and discovered what she’d read.

On February 16th of this year (2012) the Telegraph ran this headline:

Drop Age Of Consent To 14, Says Academic
    -Sarah Womack
, Social Affairs Correspondent, Telegraph Newspapers
    -16 February 2007.

She goes on to state what this academic report suggests dropping the age of consent to 14 with restrictions so that the 40% of 15-year-olds who admit to having had sex (not oral sex but full intercourse) would not be breaking the law. This is a good but radical article.

I look at my daughter -who is just over three months away from her sweet sixteenth- and wonder how I’d feel for her to be having sex now (legally), and it sends me cold. This is such an alien concept to my usually-rational parental mind that it screams out “NO!!!” in disgust.

It seems so long since I was a horny teenager, that I’ve buried those emotional realities by my parental concerns. As a dad I’m applaud by the thought of my teenage daughter being sexually active...

We’ve done the talks about safe sex and contraception -so I’m aware of what is expected of parents today.

The problem is, as a realist, I ‘know’ that the chances of her staying ‘virginal’ are almost none existent. She will meet someone that she wants to ‘sleep with’, (possibly) marry, and (eventually) have kids of her own to worry about. All of that above doesn’t make the any easier to accept. I suppose it’s just hard for a dad to let his little girl grow-up into a young woman.

Having said that, I would urge any parent to read the Telegraph’s article; it’s an eye-opener and a reality check for any mum or dad.

I love both my daughters and my son, and I know they’ll have to go through these concerns themselves what their time comes.

I just wonder if lowering the age of concern will make children more responsible than they currently aren’t (or than we were at their ages).
I seriously doubt it!

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

What Price Gold Medals


I must be going mad, because I'm sure that this morning (21/08/12) I read that the Government want to hand-out Honours to Team GB winners!

Sunday, 19 August 2012

What on earth?

What is
This World

When did it become okay to loot and steal, and riot and cause disorder on British streets?

Last year’s riots cost taxpayers, insurance companies, businesses, and London in general, a fortune in losses. Have the culprits been adequately punished?

It wouldn’t seem so! As, of the 1,292 criminal sentences handed out, one in five of these offenders have been released early… (according to a Mail Online article). Tagged and let out of prison. They are on Home Detention Curfew, or HDC as it is often termed. (HDC is only available for ‘low risk’ offenders who have served at least three months of their sentence -but less than four years- and ‘deemed appropriate’.)

If it seems a stretch to class looters and rioters as ‘low risk’, then let me put it another way: Of those released, there are 162 burglars, 44 thieves, 26 violent offenders, and 2 robbers! These individuals are classed by the system as low risk -offenders who are ‘free of reoffening’ while out on HDC. The fact that there offence was actually ‘civil disorder’ (rioting) should have made it obvious to all that they have little or no comprehension of adhering the rules.

I did an article, which touched on this (British 
Shame to Olympic Gold) and, which stated that there were rumours of riots to come after the end of the Games in London

If I have heard these rumours, you would have to assume so have the authorities. If this is the case, why have these rioters been let out so soon? Why are we putting potential ring-leaders back on the street to repeat offend this year? Surely it would seem more sensible to keep these individuals out of society until they have severed their sentences?

However, today it all seems to revolve around economics. The cost is too high to keep these individuals in detention. We have to pay for the Olympic Games spectacular. And then there’s the cost of security and policing. Not to mention how much it will cost for Cameron’s feed the hungry initiative. (Forget the poor children of Britain, let’s feed the hungry of other nations!)

Feeding children in your own country doesn’t earn you a Nobel Prize, after all!

Is this justice? Or is this bureaucratic madness?

I lean towards madness. But what is your view?


Friday, 17 August 2012

Pussy Riot Update

"Pussy Riot"

Pussy Riot -the punk band that danced in a Russian cathedral to protest the treatment by Putin- have been sentenced to two years for inciting violence and racial hatred. (For details of the original offence and the video of the protest go here.)

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Tory Titan


Next Premier? 
Is Boris Johnson heading for the Tory's top seat?

The other day David Cameron called Boris a 'Tory Titan' and stated that he had no wish to hold back anyone's ambitions.

"David Cameron has described Mayor of London Boris Johnson as a 'titan' of the Conservative Party who has 'a lot more to give the country'."
-- BBC News Politics 10 August 2012

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Not a midlife crisis!

Not A

The world has become obsessed with age. Too young, too old, almost past it!

But who says that age is so important? And why?

What's the right age to start having sex? And when is it too old to want it? And how come you can never get enough between the two points?

Have we become obsessed by youth? Look around and tell me the average age of the Ad-Girls and -Boys. Or their models. Where are the older representatives?

No one wants to see where they're going, only where they've been. That's the thing.

Monday, 13 August 2012

A Coalition Collapse?

Is There About to be
a Coalition Collapse?

According to a Guardian ICM poll only 16% of voters expect the coalition government (Tory/Lib Dems) to survive to 2015. Due to dissention in the ranks. (Tories failed to support House of Lords Reform bill, causing Nick Clegg to acuse Tories of breaking coalition contract.) This is as the coalition government prepare for a mid-term policy review (in October).

Sunday, 12 August 2012

Boris 4 PM?

Storify.comStorify by 

Boris 4 PM?

You're having a laugh? Aren't you?

Boris Johnson interview - Parkinson - BBC

The spin is in and here's Boris playing statesman.

  1. IvanLewis_MP
    @gabyhinsliff Isn't that called spin?! Ridicule and incompetence. Lethal combination for any PM. Helping to make Boris look statesmanlike!
  2. backhousejones
    Boris for PM? Need a seat? His younger brother -Joe- MP for Orpington. Now that's planning. Blood is of course thicker than water.

But does the country really want Prime minister Boris Johnson?

  1. PeteMoring
    RT @ThePaulDaniels@GabyandPaul Boris was a local MP and he was absolutely brilliant for the area. He's been damn good for London too. He's no buffoon
  2. gilescoren
    Biggest cheer of the night for... BORIS! honest, louder than for bolt. i fear that man will be PM before the week is out.
  3. pcsavage
    Sorry @GuidoFawkes but beating Cameron isn't much of test. Ask people outside London about Boris for PM and they don't answer for laughing

One thinks the people have spoken...

See Boris 4 PM? @ Storify.


Double-Dip Recession -
Britain's Not Working

This morning (12/08/12) SkyNews headlines

MP Hosts World Hunger Summit.
"David Cameron is to host a summit aimed at tackling world hunger in the years before the next Olympic Games in Brazil."
While the Mail Online runs the headline:
Children as young as 8 are lending money to their parents as they worry about family finances

.: A Child's Perspective on World Hunger :.
(Feeding Starving Children)

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Wishes Fishes

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If wishes were fishes...

The old saying goes, If wishes were fishes, we'd have a fish fry. So what wishes would you turn to fishes...

  1. FreddyAmazin
    Sorry, I can't today. My sister's friend's mother's grandfather's brother's grandson's uncle's fish died. & yes, it was tragic.

  1. shach7
    RT @WezClarke: Just had fish & chips for the first time ever. Not sure how I've managed 2 get this far in life without trying it... <-WHAT?!

Best fish & chis ever jennzebel

  1. kararenee33
    RT @_DrunkBlonde: They say there's plenty of fish in the sea, but I'm starting to think I'm fishing in the wrong sea.

the swimmer and the fishes
philos from Athens

  1. elliemartin29
    Selling a dildo, only used like five times, bare fish ting
Penis fish
Penis fish
(Photo credit: vlauria)

See If Wishes Were Fishers @ Storify.
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Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Tell Me I'm Wrong!

Tell Me
I'm Wrong

I'm getting old. I must be. All I see around me is heartache and pain. Idiots and morons.

Does no one care anymore?

When I was a lad we cared. We cared about music and girls... we cared about politics and fashion... we cared about life and death... we cared about freedom and justice... we simply cared.

Today... No one cares

We don't care about the environment. At least, most of us don't. There are a few overbearing pop stars (like Sting) that bleat on about saving the planet while schlepping from continent to continent by their own private jet (using fossil fuel and emitting CO2 gasses like a madman). Other than these wannabees, no one 'really' cares.

Motto 2 Inspire

Storify.comStorify by 

Motos to Inspire

One is always looking for inspiration in the words of other.

Olympics : Inspire a generation.

  • CatherineQ
    The Olympics is cool and all but today NASA is lowering a car sized rover onto Mars using nylon strings attached to a rocket powered shelf.
  • TomDavinSays
    I don't think gymnasts know how clearly we can see their genitals. #Olympics
  • Aramzz56
    RT @MimiCasper: When watching the Olympics I feel like I have done nothing with my life.#theyaresotalented #imonlygoodateating

  • Albert Einstein : If the facts don’t fit the theory, change the facts.

  • RaymondSnoddy
    Politicians will now be over sport like a rash - the same politicians who sold off school playing fields and tried to ban competitive sports
  • thinkprogress
    If politicians lie and the press response is "it's complicated," it creates a huge incentive for politicians to keep lying.

  • Milton Berle : If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.

  • awkwardposts
    I'm so important that when I go into the supermarket the doors open by themselves when I'm entering (;
  • HappyGeese
    @AH_Michael I've found myself walking around my house and opening doors yelling "YEAHYEAHYEAH" way too often....

  • Grey Mann : Life's too short

    Woody H1

    See Mottos To Inspire @ Storify.

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