Will the Tories keep the crown
and take the throne?
and take the throne?
I'm here again with my deck of 22 Major Arcana -third day in a row. This is getting a habit, lol.
I'm starting at the very beginning today. I'll shuffle the cards. Placed them face down on the surface. First cut; take top card and place it face down on right. Second cut; top card to the left of the first. Third cut; place card to the left of the 2nd card.
There are now three cards: representing FUTURE (3rd) - PRESENT (2nd) - PAST (1st)
Beginning with the PAST
I flip over the card and discover the Emperor; the symbol authority.
When the Emperor appears, you have a strong leader; someone who can hold his own in nearly every situation. And with it is the self-confidence of a tiger. It's about owning your own power and authority. Having strength in your convictions. There is no wavering or indecision. The crown remains firmly on the head of the Emperor.
David Cameron wears his party's mantle like a true emperor. His MPs holds the sway of power with the dogma of existing ownership. It's a position of strength that the Conservatives have attained, and they have no intention of relinquishing the reins of power. (Not even in the coalition.)
We have to remember the time frame for this portion of the past -being two month prior to today's date- which is June and July. Over this time period the Tories have sat upon their thrown and fended off all attacks: the banking crisis, the G4S security debacle, and all of Labour's jibes. And they still hold the reins firmly. Cameron and Co. have an amazingly stronghold. They seem invincible.
However, the other cards have a say on that. For now, I'll leave the crown on the Emperor’s head and ...
Moving on to the PRESENT

I turn over the card to find the Sun; which is the symbol of aspiration and optimism.
Currently, the Tories have the sun's spotlight no them. They're shining under its luminosity. The Sun offers acceptance in the current situation. Within its light they can do no wrong; there position strengthened by this limelight.
In the Sun is a great place to be; warmed by its gift. And the Tories are definitely in the Sun while the Olympics shine. A good amount of Gold meddles will outshine the disastrous events of the near past. Before I start going into the whys and wheres, I'll move on...
Into the FUTURE

It's here that I discover the Moon. (Sun and Moon in one reading, what a joy!) As I mentioned two days ago (on 31/07/12) both the Moon and Magician are devious cards. The Moon hides as much as it illuminates; and often it's what is hidden that's more telling than what's on show.
When dealing with Politicians, there is usually something hidden from sight. Often lots of something’s. Cameron's government usually to plays the open and 'honest' card - and they do play it well - they are experts at the game from way back in the 80's (when 'family values' were the buzzwords).
So what is being hidden? That's the top question. To know that, I'll have to difine it with the other two cards.
Working the cards
We have authority (Emperor) and aspiration (Sun) and deception (Moon). Deception hides behind Authority, while deception is masked by optimistic soundbites. As the master of the optimistic soundbite, Cameron works his authority to keep the deception hidden. Unfortunately, it will come into the light (Sun) at some time. And when it does, the authority trick (Emperor) won't save him or his party.
The question is, Will the Tories keep
the crown and take the throne?
From the card it appears so. They have the strength of authority and acceptance from the voters. They are a known entity. Even those who dislike Tory policies would agree that you know what you're getting with the Tories in power. (So it's no good complaining when you get it.)
Also, the Sun is a great card. Its light outshines the darkness of the moon's shadows - giving a sort of disregard to what is hidden. Masking the deception from sight.
If anything can bring them down, it's a full disclosure of their 'sins' and 'lies'. But the thing about the Moon is: She hides her secrets well!
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