Saturday, 6 October 2012

Conference season is boring!

They say a week in politics is a long time; but with this Labour Party conference it's seemed longer.
Ed Milliband MP speaking at the Labour Party c...
Ed Milliband MP speaking at the Labour Party conference. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
To me, conference season is a time for leaders to show off their metal in the face of their true believers.
But so far it's been boring. Where are the rising stars, nipping at the proverbial ankles? Where are the party goofballs and political suicides?
For me, there has been a lack of spark and fire.
I've had the hardest time keeping interested. Clegg did a little impromptu karaoke. But Miliband has bored the pants off me with his 'one nation' stuff. (It's the same 'no policy' Labour as usual.)
Let's hope the good old Tory nut-jobs won't let us down. (If he Chief whip doesn't keep them in toe, then Cameron's smarmy smile might keep them at bay. Hopefully not, though.) This has been a far too civilized and calibrated rendition of keeping to the party-theme for my taste for both the Limp Debts and the Later Party.
So, lets hope the Cons have someone to entertain us. Cameron's false set of promises won't!
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