has become a battle cry.
Time for a change - austerity is hidden taxation of the poor to help out banking fraternity.
The People’s Assembly Against Austerity organised a march, in London on 20 June 2015, of about 250,000 people, to protest austerity cuts.

(Photo credit: Nick Hooper)
Large protests also took place in other major cities: including Bristol, Liverpool and Glasgow.
A spokesman from the People’s Assembly... said: “Today is not the end of our campaign against austerity but the start of a mass movement prepared to take on this Government.”
London saw one of the biggest political events in recent years, they amassed outside the Bank of England and marching on Parliament Square. (Its he first ma DTCjor rally on austerity-cuts since the new Government was formed. But it doesn't look like it will be the last.)
"I think the future is going to get worst under austerity," one female protester voiced to Channel4 TV crews.

(Photo credit: Nick Hooper)
The atmosphere remained that of a party or carnival with the sound of drums playing and without a hint of trouble expected or undertaken by those attending.
Austerity is "the big lie".
The government lie that austerity measures are vital to cutting the deficit.Even though 250,000 protested cuts, Chancellor George Osborne and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith will press ahead with welfare cuts totalling £12billion a year (which will be announced in next month’s Budget).
In a letter to the Sunday Times, Osborne and IDS claim: "This government was elected with a mandate to implement further savings from the £220bn welfare budget...we believe we need to make significant savings from other working-age benefits."
The reality is that the government don't have a mandate from the people, as they only scored 24% of votes in the election. As one banner clearly pointed out "76% didn't vote for this."
Now here is the lie: back in 2010 governments were concerned they would suffer a 'Greek-style' economic crisis and, to compensate, decided cutting spending and raising taxes. This was to effect what have come to be known as “austerians”. (Or the poor to the rest of us.)
Since the global turn to austerity in 2010, every country that introduced significant austerity has seen its economy suffer... All of the economic research that allegedly supported the austerity push has been discredited.
In Conclusion
Will this alter the government's thinking?
No. The conservatives are set on a path that will end in disaster. It has been mentioned that benefits (for the young) might become a lone repayable when 'pushed' into work. But that will surely increase debt and provide little to no incentive to find work.
As they say, the revolution starts here #EndAusterityNow.
Thank you for your time and your patience, here's hoping this article has had an impact on your thinking.
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