Tuesday 18 September 2012

Labour Ahead in the Polls - So Far - States Poulace Poll in The Times

There are now whispers in the House about defeat (in the 2015 elections) for Cameron and Clegg, which could impact heavily on their party leadership, ahead of the conference season - due to new Poulace poll (in the Times) putting Labour ahead.
Labour Party Leader Ed Miliband

LONDON, ENGLAND - JUNE 13: Labour Party Leader Ed Miliband speaks at The Coin Street Neighbourhood Centre on June 13, 2011 in London, England. Ed Miliband used the speech to dismiss newspaper reports that he is under-achieving as the Labour leader, and that his brother, David Miliband is destablising his leadership. Ed Miliband told journalists that Westminster rumours about his leadership is 'irrelevant to most people's lives'.
(Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife)

The race to win the next general election is already on, and Labour has taken the lead. A 50 point lead ahead of Conservatives. (45% of those questioned would vote Labour in at the next general election; that's a five point increase since July polls.) This could (if the polls are right) put Ed Miliband on course for a masive victory in 2015.
The Tories are down to a 30% share of votes in a general election - a four point drop! Nevertheless, in the very same poll, 23% are happy with how David Cameron carried out the activities of Prime Minister; putting him is ahead in the popularity race. And 34% thought he would do a better job as PM than Mr Miliband. (That's more people would like to see Cameron remain as PM next time round.)
The voters branded Miliband and Nick Clegg as both: "out of his depth", "weak", and "indecisive". Cameron was branded: "doesn't listern", and "arrogant". Voters branded alll three parties: "out of touch".

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