Saturday 22 September 2012

i-Views: 51% Lib Dems Are Dissatisfied with Clegg as Leader!

Nick Clegg takes a battering in the latest (Mori / Ipsos) poll; 66% of those voting were unsatisfied with him.
Nick Clegg, David Cameron and other MPs
Nick Clegg and David Cameron. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
This isn't exactly news for anyone that lives in the UK. Clegg's popularity has dropped steadily since the election.
From the moment the coalition was formed, and the Lib Dems took on some of the Conservative's policies, they were bound to be branded as 'wannabes' and 'turn coats'. And as Premier of the Lib Dems Clegg is the obvious target.
With just a couple of days until the annual Liberal Democrat Partry conference in Brighton, the News it pretty bleak. Because he's the only party leader to be ranked so low by his own party faithful; 51% were unhappy with him. (Whereas, only 27% of Tories dissed Cameron, and 34% of Labourites unhappy with Miliband.)
Even if there are no real pretenders to Clegg's crown; Lord Oakshott, the Lib Dem peer, seems to have his eye on Nick's throne and is quick to point out his foibles.
Nevertheless, when the party fateful hit Brighton, all back-biting will be put to one side to show a united front to the voters.
Rt Hon Nick Clegg MP
Rt Hon Nick Clegg MP (Photo credit: ThisIsDL)
That's the plan. However, good party conferences have a life of their own, and characters that surprise or shine. So we shall see.

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