Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Politics of Tarot

Can Labour Take the Crown

To begin with
I’m sat meditating, after drawing three cards from my Tarot pack. (To be more precise, I’ve separated the Major Arcana and shuffled them to mix them up a bit and it is from these 22 cards that I have cut and removed three.)

I had a question firmly in my mind as I worked the deck and drew out my hand. As per usual, I’m laying down a hand of three: past (on the right), present (centre), and future (to the left). They’re all face down at present, because I didn’t want to influence my divination in any way.

Now is the moment of truth…

Monday, 30 July 2012

Punks against Putin

Who are the feminist collective and Punk-Rock Band Pussy Riot?

Disclaimer: throughout this articles the word 'pussy' will be used frequently. (This is not for effect it is solely because the focus of this article is the group Pussy Riot.) If this offends please leave now.

No one knows. They are a collective of middle-class young women. They are 'kind' revolutionaries. They are a phenomena. They are few, but they are many.

In a country that feminism seemed to miss, the not so quiet women's revolution rages on. Western women can say or sing whatever they please without having to hide behind nicknames and masks, but in Russia feminism has to shield her face from the government. Pussy Riot has become the face of modern feminism in Russia today. Six young women (some with small children).

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Britain PLC

Do They Intend to Privatise Great Britain?

21st century Britain is quietly been sold-off, part-by-part, to the private sector and no one seems to have noticed. Except you’re truly of course.

The problem of having public assets (or state-run ownership) is they are rich for the picking by the private sector. They are cash-cows, perfect for breaking apart and asset stripping.

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Remploy Workers - No Rights to Work

No Rights to Work

Remploy - putting ability first
When all they want is to work it seems a disgrace that the disadvantaged should have another setback.

The staff of Remploy factories, across the country, are on strike today, due to threats of job losses. Remploy was setup to be a place disabled workers could find gainful employment with employers that took their disabilities into account: Under the scheme of Access to Work.

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Olympic Hand

The Politics of Tarot

Usually in this post I look at something that's currently been in the news (last week G4S was in the spotlight), this week we'll peer at the Olympics and try to see if we'll keep any Gold.

The problem about predictions is: If they come true nobody notices. But if they don't, then everyone remembers.
Here's hoping for a gold medal for predicting gold :D

Friday, 20 July 2012

Ramadan 2012

This topic will now be covered by i-faith & i-life posts (instead of the old i-thorts posts.)
The new home for internet faith and life - health, spirituality and mysticism.

Faith-filled Fridays banner From i-thorts' faith-filled fridays posts.

Ramadan 2012 20/07/2012
Ramadan 2012
The Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) said: "Whenever you sight the new moon observe fast, and when you sight it break it and if the sky is cloudy for you, then observe fast for thirty days."
Ramadan is a holy month for Islam - probably the holiest. It is a time when Muslims 'Sawm' (fast) for 30 days and nights. Sawm is considered the third pillar of Islam 
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Wednesday, 18 July 2012


This topic will now be covered by i-faith & i-life posts (instead of the old i-thorts posts.)
The new home for internet faith and life - health, spirituality and mysticism.

well-being wednesdays banner From i-thorts' well-being wednesdays posts.
Polypill 18/07/2012
Well-being Wednesdays - The Polypill
In the news at the moment are the so-called 'polypill' (an all-in-one pill four-medicine pill), which comprises layers; one for cholesterol and the other three for high blood pressure. It has been reported that in a health group of individuals aged 50+ there is a 'cut' in cholesterol and blood pressure - down to that of a 'normal' 20 year old. The initial research using randomised polypills or placebos are good...
more »

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

47 Shades In the Grey

Grey Mann

The Little Lady's been reading that book again! You know the one ... She cannot put her kindle-thingy down.

I took a quick peep, while she nipped to poweder her nose. I was shocked. No really! shocked.

Politics of Tarot

For me, the thing that’s in my mind right now
is G4S and the shambolic Olympic Games security.

For anyone who hasn’t heard –and where have you been for the last week? On Mars?– the problems G4S Group have been having are major, and the repercussions are inevitable.

As I sit here, I pull THE CHARIOT for ‘past’: the card of movement.

Monday, 16 July 2012

G4S Debacle Continues

OLYMPICS: Have Police Saved G4S Security Crisis?

Of the 12 police forces around the Olympics venue, 9 are believed to have been drafted in to shore-up the shortfall in G4S security staff at the 2012 Games.
Olympic Police
Pic: Daily Mail

Sky News have reported that the police have “deployed hundreds of officers” – but that might change in the next few days.

The Police National Olympic Security Coordinator, Assistant Commissioner Chris Allison, says that plans “were put in place” so that the police officers could deploy these officers, because  “delivering a safe and secure Games is priority…”

Sunday, 15 July 2012

RAF On Standby

RAF & Navy On Standby -
But No Know Threat? ... So Far...

After reports yesterday that G4S have a shortfall in security guards, London 2012 chairman, Lord Coe, told BBC Radio 5 live.

"The reality is ... G4S expected people to materialise ... when they didn't ... we moved very quickly to fill that gap,"

"We will work very hard, we will remedy this - security will not be compromised..."

Lord Coe said he would not comment whether Mr Buckles should quit, saying it was "not" for him to "speculate on."

From 14th July a month of airspace restrictions (of about 30 miles wide) were imposed around London and south-east England, which should not affect commercial air flights.

Saturday, 14 July 2012

Olympic Security Shambles

Are G4S a Homeland Security Risk?
Logo London 2012 Olympic Rings

The chief exec of G4S, Nick Buckles, has been quoted as saying that their private security firm only realised at the beginning of the week that they wouldn’t have enough guards to protect the London Olympics 2012 (which starts July 27th). He went further; publicly apologising for the firm’s failure.

Olympic Games 2012 - security
Olympic Games 2012

He as admitted to the BBC, that they are “sorry for what happened”, adding that the firm is “bitterly disappointed”. The mess could loose G4S up to £50m to fund the deployment of British troops, and has felt a drop in their share price over the week (with nightly news reports fuelling the Games furore).

Friday, 13 July 2012

Wicca 2Day

This topic will now be covered by i-faith & i-life posts (instead of the old i-thorts posts.)
The new home for internet faith and life - health, spirituality and mysticism.

Faith-filled Fridays banner From i-thorts' faith-filled fridays posts.
Wicca 2Day 13/07/2012
Wicca Today. The hows, wheres, whys, and wherefores of Pagan life in the Twenty-first Century...
- Polytheism - Greeks and Roman cultures were abound with gods and goddesses of all pantheons. Sacrificial Rites were undertaken to keep the gods contented. These early Polytheistic religions were the starting point for Wicca (as we know it today).
- Witch Trials - During the 16th and 17th centuries witch hunt took place across Europe and in America.  more »

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Ofsted Report - Colleges & Jobless

OFSTED: Colleges fail Jobless
The watchdog, Ofsted, have warned (in its “Skills for Employment report) that unemployed adults are been offered college courses that do not lead to work. Jobseekers are taking courses where the priority is not to successfully find work at the end the inspectors have warned.

Finding Employment 2012

Who’s Un-employable?

Finding employment in recession hit Britain is getting harder. With more and more not affording college and university fees.

@SmartReuiters tweeted this morning (12/07/12) that:

“48% of job seekers have done one social job hunting activity on Facebook in the last year”

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

The Politics of Tarot

When the world looks over your shoulder,
what does it see?
If you’re looking over my shoulder right now, shame on you! Haven’t you anything better to do? I have – I’m supposed to write a blog about politics and how the Tarot foretells all.
However, I’ve pulled the Lovers, the Pope and the Moon.

Tarot card Lovers  Tarot card Pope  Tarot card Moon
The way things have been going in the headlines, I feel the Lovers represents "50 Shades of Grey"; the Pope might be the synod vote on women bishops; and the Moon represents the bankers
Nonetheless, I have a feeling they don’t.

The Lovers is more about contracts and commitment than lust or love.

The Pope is a symbol of doing the right thing, then religion in general.

And the Moon has everything hidden from sight; all undercurrents and mystery.

Monday, 9 July 2012

Magic Time (Part 1)

This topic will now be covered by i-faith & i-life posts (instead of the old i-thorts posts.)
The new home for internet faith and life - health, spirituality and mysticism.

Magick Mondays banner From i-thorts' magick mondays posts.
Magic Time (Part 1) 09/07/2012
What is Magic?
Magic is the practice of influencing the physical by sheer willpower. It was the science of ages past. Just one aspect of the religious orders. The centre of ancient wisdom, both written and oral. What it isn't is new ... It isn't hokum! And it isn't nonsense, either!! Where did it come from? Magic is so old, that it's origins are back in the mists of time. Prehistoric hunters would paint animals they intended to kill on cave walls; creating the first ever written spells. 
more »

Friday, 6 July 2012

Placing the Mitre on Female Heads?

Faith-filled Fridays banner

Women Bishops
Dr Rowen Williams
Dr Rowen Williams
Dr Rowen Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury to the Church of England, was urging the General Synod to resolve the issue over women bishops (36 years in the making).
The vote was taken on Friday in Parliament. It has initially been allowed - 123 in favour and 53 against (If the vote hadn't been passed it would have been shelved until 2015!).
When it comes to women in roles within the church, the men of god seem hell-bent on shooting themselves in the foot.
Anglicans (content with female priest) do not wish for them to pursue leadership positions.
While, in the past, the Anglo-Catholic's have gone as far as saying one may as well "ordain a pork-pie".

Speaking to the church's legislatory body, Rowen Williams said.

"...I, like most of you, long to see women bishops in the Church of England."
Even though he acknowledges that there were others "who continued to have theological reservations".
The descent in the church's ranks might produce the similar muddled get-out clauses that so often come when it tries to please everybody with its legislation. The understanding has been to legislate for full women bishops, but where there is parish objection to their roles, they are to step-aside and allow male bishops to take over. Thereby, avoiding a spit of the CofE. (It's this sort of muddled fudging that the liberal majority are used to seeing.)
However, their are concerns from senior women clergy (some prospective candidates for the roles of women bishops) who take offence at not merely been asked to step-aside but demanded by church law (due to clause 5(1)c).
Christina Rees
Lay preacher Christina Rees
The high-flying crusader for women bishops, Christina Rees, objects to clause 5(1)c as it has "been rushed through". This discrimination of females and the further favouring of males over females bishops will cause fundamental problems if it is allowed to take place. as it is down-playing the roles of female bishops within the CofE.
Maybe Rowen William's words, when taking prior to the Friday vote about it, ring true.

"...it's important we look into the Abyss here."

But will the "Abyss" prove to be the gap between Liberal (left) and Conservatives (right) within the church, splitting their camps further?

However, with the measures being debated on Monday, only time will tell what women bishop’s full roles might be...

UPDATE 09/07/2012:
Church of England seen delaying women bishop see article here from reuters.

Do you agree with women in positions of power in the CofE? Tell me your views.

Thursday, 5 July 2012

50 Shades of Erotica

Is your lady getting her nightly visit from Mr Grey?

The phenomena sweeping Britain sees yet another blockbuster book. 

Women are disembarking from the tube and getting off of buses with a healthy glow, having had another dose of this erotic novel. Right now, women just don't seem to get enough of E. L. James' 50 Shades of Grey trilogy. (James is said to make over $1 million a week.)

So have women finally tuned into porn?

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Crisis? What Crisis?

Thought I'd give a rundown of how the establishment are handling the banking crisis.

All these posts came from Twiter during the PM's question time and the questioning of Bob Diamond - ex-chief executive of Barclays. (Concerning the LIBOR interest rate scandal.)

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

The Tower - Bob Diamond's fall

In the Cards?

Was it in the cards that Bob Diamond would resign from being chief executive of Barclays?
From the moment the LIBOR scandal hit the British papers he was doomed.
The Tower is about destruction and falling from a great height, and that was his fate.
But how will Barclays mend their tarnished image?

Monday, 2 July 2012

3 Ways How to be More Confident Right Now

Free to a Good Home
Nurture it Here!

Are you confident?
Do you wish you were more confident in all arrears of your life: work, friends, family, relationships, and socialising?

Keep reading.  This article will help you (or someone you know) be more confident by the end of this blog.

Do you look at others as ask why they get the good job, have a nice life, are admired by other, and have great social standing?

If so, I have a question for you, why isn’t that you?

Suppose I could give you a magic pill that would increase your confidence, make you more attractive to others, or simply happier being who you are? Would you take it?

If the answer’s “No way!” I’d say, “Good!”  Because you  obviously don’t need it.

However, if you’d have said, “Of course!” I’d give you the following advice…

That’s what this article is all about. There’s much more to confidence than just expecting it to magically appear.

In fact, here are 7 powerful ways to build your confidence right now (I look forward to hearing what you would think in the comments section at the end).

#1 Getting Self-confidence and Keeping it!

For some, self-confidence is something you’re born with.  For the rest of us its about battling self-doubt and winning through. An easier said than done task for those with low self-worth and insecurities.

But who doesn’t have insecurities and issues?  Surely not the people with oodles of confidence?

Believe it or not, but even the mega-confident have issues and insecurities.  No one is perfect!  Even famous people have imperfections – the secret is not to let them run your social-life!

So, sit down and list only the good thing about yourself (the things you like, kind of),

~       best feature
~       best quality
~       best piece of advice you’ve given

That sort of thing.

Then list your achievements. The average person can fill a page if they really think about it.

Tape both lists up by your bed – you need to see them morning and night – to remind you have excellent you really are.
Eventually you’ll start to believe in yourself. (Don’t take down the lists – keep adding things to them – keep affirming your positive points, and leave your negatives alone!)

#2 Learn to Succeed

Nothing builds confidence like success!  Achieving a given task brings a euphoria like no other – knowing you did it, is an amazing feeling.

But first it all starts with a plan.  You have to decide what you want to achieve. That means you’re gonna have to make a list of what you want!

It can be as simple as make a new friend, or as difficult as learn to mountain climb. The point is by writing it down you will be committing yourself to obtaining your goals.

You can start with something relatively easy and work your way up to the hard and important ones, but you need to decide now. So go and make that list, then come back.

Ok, so you have a goal.

Say, you’ve decided to be more positive at work.  Next time you have to say something about someone, find a good point. Keep that up and you’ll achieve the goal.

Once you set and accomplish a given goal, you’ll feel unstoppable. It will give you more confidence to tackle other goals.  (Remember, though, sometimes a slip can occur, if this happens don’t give up – keep trying and you can achieve any goal!)

#3 Have Fun!

Being confident shouldn’t be a chore or a bore. It’s about enjoying life!  When we’re happy we exude positivity – which makes others around us feel good.

When we are low – we have a black cloud of negativity hanging over us – which brings others down, and makes us unpopular.

When you have fun, laugh, sing, or play – you forget your insecurities and are truly yourself.  Alcohol is a uninhibiter, but it is also a depressant – so we may think we’re the life and soul of the party, but there may be a price to pay. A sober mouth doesn’t get its owner into as much trouble!

Sing, and the world sings with you (cry, and you cry alone)!  Who doesn’t feel good belting out a deft tune?  So go Karaoke if you don’t usually.  Let the inner extrovert out for the night.  Once you are up there, singing – good or bad – the crowd will cheer you on and sing along.  Don’t try to be perfect, the crow wants enthusiasm.

It’ll feel strangely natural and you’ll have fun – while boosting your personal confidence. Others will also look at you differently (especially if they don’t feel secure enough to sing in public).  They may not have thought you a social creature; but now they will.

Now you have a few tips to build your confidence.  Whatever you do, enjoy.  Life is too short to suffer for long.

Be yourself.  Be the best you can be.  But be happy.

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