Thursday 5 July 2012

50 Shades of Erotica

Is your lady getting her nightly visit from Mr Grey?

The phenomena sweeping Britain sees yet another blockbuster book. 

Women are disembarking from the tube and getting off of buses with a healthy glow, having had another dose of this erotic novel. Right now, women just don't seem to get enough of E. L. James' 50 Shades of Grey trilogy. (James is said to make over $1 million a week.)

So have women finally tuned into porn?

Female stimulate is proving to be big business, with Magic Mike hitting cinemas too.

This wind of change is phenomenal. They are talking about it a work, in the supermarket and on the social networks.
No wonder the biggest joke on twitter is:

“So June was the wettest month on record??? Hardly surprising given the number of women reading 50 Shades Of Grey.”

It's even been noticed by us males. James Martin (@Pundamentalism) Twittered:

“92% of Kindles purchased in the past month are by people too embarrassed to be seen reading 50 Shades of Grey in public”

With a film deal in the pipeline for the first book in the 50 Shades trilogy, and probably more to come, will E. L. James prove to be the Hugh Hefner of lady porn?

When Mr Grey hits screens they'll be creaming in their seats.

Tell me what you think: Has frustration, or fascination, took over the fairer sex?

Who should play Christian Grey or/and Ana in the movie version of 50 Shades?

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  1. Grey Mann

    Who should play this Grey fellow?

    Me of course! Who else. Just don't tell the Wife what!

  2. Porn you say.... well im currently near the end of book two not so sure i would class it as a porn book its more a love story with a few choice words.
    As i have read it i can say that yes it will leave women panting and wanting.. but wanting what??? does this kind or love/relationship even exist??? (i wouldnt mind some) or do women now days behind close doors have to nag their men for more sex??? (i can see why the books are written by a woman theres no way a man could write them) has any men actually read these books??? if he did he might actually learn what women do really want its not womans fault if man doesnt pay attention, how many women are there out there who have read these books and been left wanting more but get nothing???? men now have an oppitunity to do something about it instead of bitching and moaning come on fellas listen to your women and givem them the time of their lives or are you too scared??? ;).

    in the 21st century women dont want wham bam thankyou mam or missionary all the time men think they know all about sex but do they show us women NO! fantasy... share it do it you may be supprised!

    Avid 50 shades fan x

    (disgruntled wife ;))

  3. Well, digruntled wife, you've given us blokes a lot to think about. I hadn't considered the finer points of your comments, but you're probably right. Us guys do like it simple, and straightforward ... Maybe we ought to mix it up a little in the bedroom department - or anywhere else in the house.

    Thanks for the frank view. Please keep them coming ;D


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