Tuesday 10 July 2012

The Politics of Tarot

When the world looks over your shoulder,
what does it see?
If you’re looking over my shoulder right now, shame on you! Haven’t you anything better to do? I have – I’m supposed to write a blog about politics and how the Tarot foretells all.
However, I’ve pulled the Lovers, the Pope and the Moon.

Tarot card Lovers  Tarot card Pope  Tarot card Moon
The way things have been going in the headlines, I feel the Lovers represents "50 Shades of Grey"; the Pope might be the synod vote on women bishops; and the Moon represents the bankers
Nonetheless, I have a feeling they don’t.

The Lovers is more about contracts and commitment than lust or love.

The Pope is a symbol of doing the right thing, then religion in general.

And the Moon has everything hidden from sight; all undercurrents and mystery.

So now what?
I still think the main stories of the week are in there – but maybe the order was initially wrong.
Tarot card Moon (banks)
I feel the undercurrents of the Moon pulling the banking industry further into the ‘mire’. It’s not all in the light yet. There is too much about the bank scandal still shaded from us. The Moon does like to keep her secrets. She has to be seen to do the right thing (Pope) and honour her contract with the public (Lovers)
Tarot card  Lovers (Women Bishops)The Lovers’ contract has been broken between the synod and all women clergy. Ms Mitre has been shelved until November. (No “Bishop of Dibley” yet!) But the church is not yet off the hook. The Lovers can represent a split –like a divorce– or a reconciliation. If the synod votes for women bishops (Pope) then they’ll be upholding their contract with all females in the faith. However, if not, then the men of god will have cloaked themselves in the Moon’s shadow of concealment – hiding from the light of day and the women that call out for an end to injustice and prejudice; and for women bishops.
Tarot card Pope (government)That only leave the Pope. (And, how ever much I’d love to link this to E. L. James’ raunchy read, I know what it really connects to.) With all the furore about Bob Diamond and Barclays, the Coalition’s despicable attack on welfare has been overshadowed and concealed (Moon). This is clear breaking of a social contract (Lovers) with the British public and the under classes in general. This is a blatant disregard for society’s welfare rights. An attack on student fees, the unemployed, the under employed, child poverty, the elderly, and the sick have put the Tory led-government on the wrong side of humanitarianism. They are dividing the nation into the haves and the have-nots (as back in the bad old days of Thatcherism). The Coalition has to do the right thing, or suffer a fall from grace and a period in the political wilderness.
Tarot card Strength Nick Clegg Tarot card StrengthPulling an additional card, Strength , reminds me that Mr Clegg has to stand up to Mr Cameron, or all will be lost for is party to get back in any time soon. If he doesn’t (Pope), then the British public will loose total faith in his abilities (Lovers) and perceive him to be have lied (Moon) about policies to get in power. In short he will let is party down, the voters down, and his hard fought views down; only to have a tiny piece of the political pie. Come on, Mr Clegg, have the strength of character to uphold your views…
Hope to see you back here next Tuesday for another dose of the Politics of Tarot...

Related Stories:
LIBOR Scandal: The Diamond Saga - The scandal for Barclays boss, Bob Diamond, is putting him in hot water.

LIBOR Scandal: A Bank too Far - Stephen Hester, "bankers are Master of the Universe..."

LIBOR Scandal: Concerning the LIBOR interest rate scandal.

LIBOR Scandal: Was it in the Cards that Bob Diamond would resign from being chief executive of Barclays?

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